To prepare popcorn
Heat 3 tablespoons of grapeseed oil in the stovetop popcorn popper to 400F. If you don’t have an IR thermometer, just throw in three kernels together with the oil and wait for all three to pop. Once they do, the popper is ready for popping.
Throw in 1/2 a cup of mushroom popcorn kernels, close the lid and start agitation.
Once the popping sounds stop, remove the popcorn popper from heat and dump the popped popcorn into a large bowl.
Make sure to put the popcorn in a fairly large bowl. You want the popcorn to not fill more than 2/3 of the bowl. Half way is ideal. Otherwise it will be very hard to stir it without some popcorn spilling out. If you don’t have one of the required size, do it in two batches.
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